What causes mood swings in females

Mood Swings in Females – 8 Causes You Didn’t Know About

Mood swings are abrupt, strong shifts in feeling. While both men and women can feel them, they are more common in women because of the influence of hormones on the body. Most people are unaware that what actually causes mood swings in females and how they can prevent them.

A variety of circumstances, including stress, medical disorders, hormone imbalances, and drug adverse effects are a few causes of mood swings.

Moreover, symptoms of it include irritability, trouble concentrating, and immediate shifts in energy levels. Depending on the underlying cause, treatment may include lifestyle modifications and drugs.

Dealing with mood swings on regular basis can be stressful hence knowing the cause to tackle it becomes very important.


What Causes Mood Swings in Females? 8 Factors

Women frequently experience mood swings. They can be mild to severe, and they can have a big impact on a woman’s life.

To better understand and manage mood swings, it’s crucial to understand what causes them. so let’s dive into the detailed discussion of what causes mood swings in females and ways to cater to them naturally.

Mood Swings in females

#1. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes are one of the most prominent reasons for mood swings in women. Hormones are in charge of many various aspects of the body, including mood.

Estrogen and progesterone can fluctuate dramatically during particular times in a woman’s cycle, causing mood and behavior changes. These changes might be most noticeable during perimenopause and menopause when a woman’s hormone levels are quickly fluctuating.


#2. Stress

Stress is another possible cause of mood fluctuations in women. The condition can have a significant impact on a person’s mental health and cause a number of symptoms, including mood swings.

Stress can be induced by several circumstances, including work, family, or personal concerns. To lessen the likelihood of mood swings, it is critical to manage stress and build good coping techniques.


#3. Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is actually a  mental health condition. They are mainly characterized by shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels which are at the extreme.

These shifts can cause sudden mood changes, including feelings of elation, sadness, irritability, and fear. However, there is a bit of difference between bipolar and mood swings, but eventually, they’re interrelated.


#4. Pregnancy

One of the most likely causes of mood swings in women is pregnancy. A woman’s hormones fluctuate dramatically throughout pregnancy, causing abrupt shifts in her moods.

This can range from elation one minute to anxiety or depression the next. The hormones continue to change as the pregnancy advances, creating even more mood swings.


#5. Menopause

Another major reason for mood changes in women is menopause. As menopause approaches, the body starts producing less estrogen and progesterone.

This might result in sudden mood shifts, such as feeling irritable, anxious, or depressed.


#6. Premenstrual Syndrome

PMS is a syndrome that causes a woman to have physical and emotional symptoms in the days preceding her menstruation.

It is one of the most prominent causes of mood swings in women. Irritability, depression, anxiety, and weariness are some of the symptoms.


#7. Medication

Medication might also play a role in mood swings in women. Many drugs, particularly those used to treat mental health conditions, can affect a person’s mood.

It is critical to discuss with your doctor any medications you are taking and any potential adverse effects.

Aside from the aforementioned factors, some lifestyle decisions might also contribute to mood fluctuations in women.

Alcohol and drug usage can have a big impact on a person’s mood, so be mindful of how much you consume. Poor food and lack of exercise can also have an impact on mood, so it’s critical to take care of yourself and obtain enough of the right nutrients and physical activity.


#8. Underlying Mental Health

Underlying mental health issues might be a significant contributor to mood swings in women. Mood changes can be caused by mental health illnesses such as depression and anxiety, and it’s vital to speak with a mental health expert if you’re experiencing these symptoms.

Therefore, mood swings in women can be caused by a variety of different things, ranging from hormonal fluctuations to underlying mental health disorders.

It’s important to be aware of the potential causes of mood swings in order to better understand and manage them.

If you’re concerned about your mood swings, it’s essential to speak to a doctor or mental health professional to get the care and support you need.


Natural Ways to Prevent Mood Swings in Females

Women’s mood swings can have a big impact on their daily life, making it difficult to control emotions, stay productive, and maintain relationships.

While mood swings are frequently related to hormonal changes or stress, there are numerous techniques to prevent or manage them when they occur. This blog will go over ways for preventing mood swings in women, such as lifestyle changes, stress management, and diet modifications.


#1. Get Adequate Sleep

First and foremost, you must ensure that you are receiving adequate sleep. Sleep deprivation is one of the most prevalent causes of mood swings, so make sure you receive the required 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Establishing a consistent sleep routine might also aid in the prevention of mood swings.


#2. Balance Diet Plan

It is essential to follow good living practices in addition to obtaining adequate sleep. This involves consuming a good diet and exercising regularly.

Eating a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins will assist offer the critical elements required to maintain a stable mood.


#3. Keep Yourself Active

Exercising for at least 30 minutes every day can also help reduce stress and enhance general mental health. Women’s mood swings can be prevented by managing stress.

It is critical to set aside time for yourself to relax and unwind. Regular pauses throughout the day, as well as exercises such as yoga or meditation, can assist to relieve stress and enhance mood.

It’s also crucial to practice positive self-talk and, if necessary, talk to a friend or family member.

Finally, it is critical to be conscious of your nutrition and to ensure that you are getting the vitamins and minerals you require to maintain a healthy mood.

In conclusion, numerous measures can be employed to assist women to avoid mood swings. Women can lower their odds of having mood swings and enjoy a happier, healthier life by implementing these methods.



Managing mood swings can be challenging and demanding. They can have an impact on one’s quality of life, relationships, and professional performance.

They can leave people feeling out of control and helpless. It is important to remember that mood swings are a normal part of life, and they can be managed with proper self-care and support from loved ones.

It is vital to notice mood shifts and to get help when necessary. Seeking professional assistance can assist people in learning how to better manage their mood swings, which can lead to greater mental health.


Marcus Elburn

Marcus Elburn has been a healthcare professional for over a decade. With an educational background in Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology, his research interests include integrative medicine, cardiovascular fitness, and metabolic health and its relation to weight loss. He is very much into fitness and enjoys cycling and running. When not working, he takes time out to write journals or binge-watch classic shows.

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