benefits of cinnamon tea

Impressive Health Benefits of Cinnamon Tea – 5 Common Queries

Cinnamon is not just spice, it can also add flavors to your taste bud. Being a tea lover, it may surprise you that cinnamon tea brings a plateful of benefits including delivering a soothing sense to your palate.

Cinnamon tea is an infusion of cinnamon and water with a sweet and spicy flavor that’s warming and comforting.

And because it’s made with herbal and natural ingredients, one can reap the benefits of cinnamon in every sip.

While cinnamon has been used as a medicine and spice for centuries, researchers are still finding new ways that this tea can improve our health.

Wanna know what sort of advantages you can get by indulging in a cup of cinnamon tea in your daily routine?

Continue here with the discussion on possible cinnamon tea benefits and when should you consume it to get more benefits.


Benefits of Drinking Cinnamon Tea

When it comes to the benefits of cinnamon tea


#1. Benefits of Cinnamon Tea for Skin

Cinnamon is a natural antiseptic rich in antioxidants to ward off infection. It also helps to improve circulation, which can deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, promoting a healthy and glowing complexion. And, it can promote collagen production.

Additionally, cinnamon tea also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can soothe irritated skin and reduce redness and puffiness.

This reveals the unparalleled benefits of cinnamon tea for skin and that gives you a potent reason to add it to your diet.


#2. Good for Heart

Here’s another surprising benefit of cinnamon tea – it can help our heart health.

Studies have shown that consuming this tea may reduce LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol levels while also boosting “good” HDL cholesterol levels.

It’s thought that compounds in cinnamon have anti-inflammatory properties, which may reduce risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.


#3. Good Source of Antioxidants

When it comes to antioxidants, there’s no denying that cinnamon tea is a powerhouse. It contains antioxidants like catechins, polyphenols, anthocyanins, and phytochemicals; all believed to fight against various diseases.

The antioxidants in cinnamon tea also decrease inflammation and protect against cell damage.

It’s even said that drinking this could lower the risk of certain types of cancer. And if that wasn’t enough, this tea can also boost the immune system by fighting off bacteria and viruses.


#4. Helps to Lose Weight

Just like green tea, this drink is increasingly popular among people because of the benefits of cinnamon tea for weight loss, as research suggests this increases metabolism and reduces appetite.

Based on studies, cinnamon in our diet can boost thermogenesis, which is the body’s process of burning calories for energy.

In addition, the polyphenols in cinnamon tea have been found to act as an appetite suppressant by reducing cravings and preventing sudden hunger pangs. This, in turn, allows people to eat less without consciously controlling their food intake.


#5. Increases Hair Growth

This beverage is known for its natural antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. These properties can free the scalp from buildup or infections that may prevent healthy hair from growing.

Furthermore, the spice—cinnamon stimulates the hair follicles. This allows to increase circulation on the scalp, as well as nourishes and hydrates the scalp and strands.

The stimulating effect of the tea has been known to improve blood flow, which can help with healthy hair growth.

Apart from these, cinnamon tea has some more benefits

  • Fights fungus
  • Soothes stomach issues
  • Boosts brain function
  • Improves period or PMS symptoms
  • Improves diabetes symptoms

The making of this nutritious drink is so easy, all you need to a cinnamon stick and a cup of water. Put them all together and boil them for 2-3 minutes, stir the water in a cup. Your tasty and nourishing tea is ready to consume.

Now after taking a closer overview of the benefits of cinnamon tea, you must be muddled with some common queries. Let’s encounter them!


A Common Query People Most Ask For!

While our research we’ve gone through some of the common queries of individuals. They are:

#1. Does Cinnamon detox your body?

Yes! Consuming cinnamon tea with a pinch of lemon drop automatically promotes healthy detoxifying processes for your body


#2. Is it better to drink cinnamon tea at night or morning?

Both times are convenient but deliver different benefits. Consuming Cinnamon tea in

Morning: It aids metabolism to promote weight loss efforts and regulates blood sugar levels.

Night: Drinking cinnamon tea while bedtime relaxes tired muscles and promotes the immune system.


#3. What happens if I drink cinnamon tea every day?

Since it’s a spice try to consume 1 cup of cinnamon tea every day to reap its positive health benefits.


#4. How much cinnamon tea per day?

Too much cinnamon tea may lead to some other health issues as it contains a chemical called coumarin. Avoid taking more than one teaspoon of cinnamon per day.


#5. Can I drink cinnamon tea on empty stomach?

Yes, if your goal is to lose weight, the consumption of cinnamon tea on empty stomach in the morning will be beneficial for you.

So, now you’ve got the idea that as per your preferences, this delicious cup of cinnamon tea can be taken at any time. Combine the tea with your healthy diet plan to see instant results from what you’re expecting.

Now it’s time to head ahead to the last and final part of this overall discussion.



Cinnamon tea has many potential benefits, which can be unlocked by making and drinking it regularly.

Suppose you decide to have more than one cup of cinnamon tea daily. In that case, we recommend distributing the amount evenly throughout the day—for instance, one cup in the morning and another in the evening.

This way, you can drink enough to get the full benefit without overdoing it and possibly causing harm.

So if you’re looking to take your health up a notch, adding a cup of cinnamon tea to the daily routine could be just what you need!

Allen Hicks

Hey Friends, My name is Allen Hicks and I am a health and fitness nutritionist. My passion is to encourage and motivate people to find their best selves through the principles of healthy nutrition, mental well-being and dynamic physical exertion.

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