Overcome Social Anxiety

7 Effective Tips and Tricks to Overcome Social Anxiety Fast

Going at a crowded place filled with unknown faces might be fun for some people. However, it can be scary for those who are struggling to overcome social anxiety!

They can’t carry a situation that involves interaction with people.

Getting their palms sweaty before making a big presentation or public speaking in a room full of strangers is quite thrilling for them.

Someone with social anxiety or phobia find these situations too stressful to handle.

But what are the possible steps that you can take towards removing your fear of anxiety or how to overcome social anxiety fast?

We will try to unfold all the necessary aspects that will help you get rid of your social anxiety as soon as possible.

However, its equally essential for you to know what exactly is social anxiety.

What is Social Anxiety?

The intense fear of social situation that is brought up by the individual’s own fear of being negatively judged by the people around lead them to anxiety.

Well, some people with social anxiety might only have restricted fears which are limited to some particular situation.

For instance, fear of speaking in public or initiating a conversation.

However, in a broader aspect, some people instantly get anxious and develop a certain kind of fear in these situations.

When you are facing social anxiety, the first thing that you need to understand is what exactly causes it!

In these situations, your body get terrified leading your defenses to get employed.

In turn, your brain try all the possible ways to ensure your safety and security.

Social anxiety only becomes problematic when it starts to intervene in your life and prevent you from enjoying your social setting.

Well, there is no exact solution that can fade it away.

However, there are some tips that you can follow to lessen the severity of your social anxiety over time.

Tips and Hacks to Overcome Social Anxiety

Doing activities that trigger your anxiety with the sole aim to overcome it is the best possible way to deal with it.

Mentioned below are some of the amazing hacks that you must consider if you want to know how to overcome social anxiety and shyness!

#1. Face Your Fear to Overcome Social Anxiety

Face Your Fear

In order to get completely rid of your social anxiety, the very first step that you need to take is try facing your fear as much as you can.

Despite knowing the fact that standing out in a corner is something that you would find more comforting to do, pluck up the courage and do exactly the opposite.

Go to the parties or a get together that you have constantly been avoiding since a long time.

Arm yourself with strategies to start a conversation and try to involve yourself more and more in the ongoing conversation.

Along with involving in the convo, try to come out with possible solutions and strong opinions to make sure you are seen, heard and recognized.

You cannot have the control over the situation.

However, you can totally control the way you react towards it.

#2. Do Public Interactions More Often

Do Public Interactions More Often

There have been evidences where people have actually gotten out of their fear by opting for a retail job.

Moreover, it can also be done by interacting with people quite often.

Having face to face interaction, either through a retail job or any other way, would work  like a charm and would help you in becoming more confident in general.

If you get extremely nervous after meeting a bunch of people, you can practice the chats and rehearse it in front of the mirror before actually practicing it.

It would really help if you want to know how to deal with social anxiety at a party.

#3. Start Breathing Slow

Start Breathing Slow

One of the easiest way to have a subtle control over your anxiety can reside in breathing slow.

You might not realize it but when your anxiety hits, you start breathing rapidly as a result.

Breathing slow will allow you to induce tranquility.

Moreover, you will be more focused towards the work you are doing in present.

Well, people with severe anxiety find this technique way too beneficial in slowing it down.

You can try inhaling for 8 seconds and then exhale for 8 seconds.

This way, you can prevent your habit of stressing up in the middle of conversation anymore.

#4. Give your Time to Nature

Give Your Time to Nature

Spending time in nature can really affect your mental health positively.

Its an undeniable fact that staying outdoors in nature induces a calming effect.

Some people find comfort in listening to birds chirping and other sounds coming from Mother Nature.

Well, its essential for your body to stay calm in order to fight off your anxiety.

And, what would be a better option than enjoying the beautiful sight of nature.

You need to make it a habit of walking in the park.

You must do it at least twice a week to lessen the severity of your anxiety.

#5. Shift Your Focus off Yourself

Most of the people having anxiety issues keep focusing on the thoughts in their brain which is basically draining them from inside.

Try to do the exact opposite!

Take your focus off something that’s inside your head and which is causing anxiety.

Try bringing your attention towards your surrounding and the people who are around you.

You can do this by actually listening to the convo that the other person is trying to carry rather than being involved in yourself and getting stuck on your own thoughts.

Try to be more genuine when you are in a middle of a conversation so people could appreciate you for being a good listener.

#6. Have an Optimistic Approach

Optimism Boosts Immune System | Live Science

It’s obvious that people with social anxiety build a negative approach towards life and everything happening around them.

The consistent negative thoughts can overpower their brain into thinking negatively in every situation. 

Try not to form a wrong perception about any random person.

However, it can be controlled by trying to be more positive about everything.

Stop assuming things that are not right.

You can do it by writing the negative thought down in the paper and then noting the positive ones down.

#7. Drink Water More Often

If you want to know an effective mantra to how to overcome social anxiety fast, you need to drink plenty of water.

Drinking enough water is as important as any other thing. Along with helping you in your physical health, it also takes care of your mental health.

Try reminding yourself to drink water quite often as a form of self therapy rather than going for soft drinks.

So, this was all about some of the major tips and hacks that can actually help you in overcoming your anxiety.

The Conclusion

The intensity of social anxiety can vary among individuals due to plethora of reasons.

However, in order to put an end to it, you need to start developing habits that would do so.

In this blog, we have tried to mention all the helpful ways to lessen the severity of your anxiety and gradually removing it completely.

Hope you gained relevant knowledge from this blog, If You have any further queries, you can mention it down.

Allen Hicks

Hey Friends, My name is Allen Hicks and I am a health and fitness nutritionist. My passion is to encourage and motivate people to find their best selves through the principles of healthy nutrition, mental well-being and dynamic physical exertion.

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