How to reduce bloating at home

[Top- 6] Home Remedies to Reduce Bloating at Home Quickly

How to reduce bloating at home?

Bloating is the major reason why our digestion works slow.

So, how does it affect digestion?

Bloating makes intestinal gas, which slows down the digestion process.

In our digestion process, our small intestine breaks down the food coming from the stomach. Thus, bloating has a direct effect on our digestion. 

Moreover, bloating is caused by eating food faster, consuming foods that are high in fats, not drinking enough water, and eating foods that lack fiber. 

Thus, getting rid of bloating is necessary for healthy digestion. So, below given are the bloating remedies that will help you to reduce constipation. 

Home Remedies For Bloating 

When our stomach feels plumpy just after eating, that’s bloating. There are many reasons that cause bloating. So, below given are some remedies that can easily control your bloating. 

#1: Foods to Eat 

There are many foods that give instant relief in bloating. In fact, they help in the digestion process. 

Thus, foods to reduce bloating quickly contain foods like avocados, yogurt, cucumber, berries, and ginger. 

Along with foods, fruits are also the best for instant bloating. Fruits like oranges, papaya, berries, tomatoes, lentils, and broccoli. 

#2: Lukewarm Water 

Lukewarm water relaxes your stomach by detoxifying the toxin. Surely, you can shift your lukewarmness from ginger tea, lemon tea, or green tea. 

It’s all up to you, just start your day with water in any form for a healthy stomach. 

Along with this tea, you can also add some sprouts, vegetable salad, or fruit salad. This will help you to fill your stomach. 

#3: Walking 

Try to walk more when you eat your lunch and dinner. Especially after dinner. As at night, our digestion process works more frequently than a day. 

Importantly, keep your dinner diet free from carbs and fat. As this will not accumulate the fatty acid in your stomach. 

Otherwise, bloating may also give sudden cramps. Thus, it is not good for digestion. 

#4: Yoga 

Our daily routine is so disturbed, that bloating has become very normal. Indeed, it is understandable. But also bloating is not that comfortable. 

Try to do a yoga pose Pawanmuktasana (Wind relieving pose).

Other than that you can also lay down on the bed or sofa, raise your legs and make a 90 degree from your knees. And then, touch your chest with your knees. 

#5: Riding Daily Bicycle

Bicycle riding makes your body full in a workout. Ride your bicycle in some fresh air, it will give you instant relief from bloating.  

In addition, bicycling will also fresh n up your mind and is proper for maintaining weight. 

#6: Gas Relief Medication 

How to reduce bloating immediately? Well, there are many instant gas relief medicines that will help you to get instant relief in constipation and abdominal bloating. 

Thus, if not getting relieved after taking pills or medicine, prefer a doctor. Take necessary prescription, if bloating makes you in pain or abdominal swelling. 

Above were some natural remedies for instant relief in bloating. In addition, we may also need to know the causes of bloating. 

Causes of Bloating 

Some of the causes that cause bloating are given below. You can avoid these causes, for instant bloating. 

  1. Avoid eating fast 
  2. Eating carbs in dinner
  3. Consuming dairy fats 
  4. Eating a high salt diet
  5. Not doing exercise daily
  6. Improper sleeping schedule 
  7. Taking stress and anxiety 

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These were the common reasons why we suffer from bloating. As bloating is normal, can it be dangerous? Yes, it can be dangerous. 

Without a doubt, bloating causes constipation, abdominal gas, and premenstrual symptoms.

This can also lead to cramps and abdominal pain. And at this stage, you can be prescribed by a doctor. 

Also, there is some food to help you from getting bloated. Let’s have a look at these foods…

Foods to Reduce Bloating

It’s a popular notion that foods and eating are the main reason behind bloating. However, you can use certain foods to control bloating.

Some of these foods are:

#1: Apple Cider Vinegar

Just one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar can reduce bloating immediately.

Not only does it helps to reduce bloating, but has amazing results in suppressing the anomalies of the digestive system as well.

You can also cure burping, improper digestion, nausea, and heartburn with the proper use of apple cider vinegar.

Moreover, having a tablespoon of this vinegar before your heavy meals can reduce the chances of bloating.

Not to mention, you can also rely on apple cider vinegar for weight loss.

However, you must avoid it if you are on any prescribed medication. It might interfere with the working of your medications.

#2: Rocket(arugula) and Watercress

Well, this ingredient is something that people tend to avoid at first. The reason for this is its bitter and unpleasant taste.

However, it is worth going through that bitter and off-putting taste as it delivers amazing benefits.

Notably, these are among the best foods to reduce bloating and gas.

It is quite helpful in stimulating the flow of digestive juices and enzymes.

Also, it helps to activate your liver to get rid of toxins.

Hence, if you are looking for how to reduce bloating at home, try rocket and watercress.

#3: Mango

A delicious fruit that’s among the favorites of most of us. Not only does it pleasures your taste buds but has a lot of other benefits to offer.

Mango is highly-rich in fibers and polyphenols. It helps in treating constipation and all kinds of inflammation related to your abdominal cavity.

You can use mango as a natural laxative to ease the discomfort while moving your bowels.

Few studies confirm, that having around 300grams of mango per day can help to fight bloat as well as constipation and gut inflammation.

Therefore, if you are looking for foods to avoid bloating, constipation, and inflammation, mango is the answer.

#4: Mint

Who knew a refreshing flavor that might add a zing to a lot of desserts and appetizers can help you reduce bloating.

Interestingly, along with refreshment, mint has the potential to rule out bloating from your abdominal cavity with immediate effect.

Menthol oils, mint tea, and peppermint as well are useful in the process of getting your bloated belly smooth out.

Notably, you can add it to your after-dinner dessert for the best results.

#5: Ginger and Garlic

Both these ingredients are among the most widely used spices. They not only spice up your food but also add high nutritional value to them.

Both these spices are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. It helps them to detoxify your system with utmost efficiency.

Along with upper hand control on bloating, ginger and garlic make sure that your abdominal cavity is free from any kind of infections or inflammations.

You might include all these above foods to counter the effects of bloating. If all of these don’t work, you must seek pharmaceutical help then.

However, you need to make sure that you choose medicine with the proper advice of an expert physician.

On that note, now, let’s sum up…

We got to know How to reduce bloating at home and the causes that induce it.


At the end of this blog, we came to know that daily bloating is not a joke.

So, exercising daily, eating healthy, reducing salt and fat diet, and walking after eating will reduce bloating at home. 

Even five minutes of yoga is very effective in instant bloating. Other than that, cardio is also the best option for instant relief in constipation and for gas release. 

Otherwise, we have already discussed the remedies and causes for gas accumulation in the stomach. 

So, it is simple, try to improve your digestion by adding detoxifying tea, walking after having a heavy lunch or dinner, doing exercises, sleeping properly, and drinking lukewarm water. 

Hope you liked this blog. Mention in the comment, what was the essential information you acknowledged after reading this blog. 

Crylon Folwer

Crylon Folwer is a dietician who campaigns the use of a customized diet plan and workout program in order to live the most healthy lifestyle. Crylon acquired her education from the University of Washington and started her career as a professional after realizing her passions in the healthcare industry. Her interests include evening walks, reading, and writing.

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