Effects of Smoking

Negative Effects of Smoking | Complications During Pregnancy

Are you a smoker? Then you should know about the effects of smoking on your health…

You must be aware of the complications that you are likely to go through if you are addicted to smoking.

It can show some really detrimental as well as adverse effects inside your body. Some of the complications can even be life-threatening and lethal. 

One of the most obvious health risks of smoking is cancer which everyone is familiar with. However, you might get shocked to know about the long-term effects of smoking on the body

Well, it has also been revealed that regular smoking can even increase the chances of your death all the causes. 

People have been curious to know does smoking affect your muscle growth, well; it affects the muscle-building potential of your body as well. 

Let’s move on and know more about the dangers and complications of smoking. 

Negative Effects of Smoking on the Body 

Regardless of the fact that the smoking percentage has significantly reduced over years, still, a large number of people are addicted to it.

According to the studies, it has been found that females who are addicted to cigarettes are more likely to go through mental health problems. 

Not only does smoking negatively affects your circulatory or respiratory system, but also shows a severe effect on your reproductive system. 

Let’s have a look at the dangers of smoking on our bodies. 

#1: Risk of Heart Diseases 

One of the most detrimental effects of smoking on the body is that it severely affects the blood vessels as well as cell production. 

The chemicals present in cigarettes can be a reason for building up plaque in the blood vessels. 

Eventually, It might as well restrict the flow of blood resulting in the formation of various blockages. By limiting the blood flow, It can also invite the risks of peripheral artery diseases. 

The link between peripheral artery diseases and smoking has been revealed after examining it through several studies. 

Having PAD can even increase the chances of experiencing a stroke or blood clot. 

#2: Lung Damage

The lungs are one of those organs that get most affected by smoking. When you smoke a cigarette, you are not only breathing in the nicotine, but also the chemicals that come along with the cigarette. 

Smoking can lead your lungs to get damaged if you are heavily addicted to cigarettes. The risk of lung damage through smoking is slightly higher in women than in men. 

According to a report, 9 out of 10 people who suffer from lung damage are addicted to cigarettes. So, the link between smoking and lung diseases is quite intense. 

Along with that, smoking can also increase the severity of asthma if you do already have it. Moreover, issues like bronchitis or chronic diseases are also linked to smoking. 

#3: Fertility Issues in Women 

One of the major concerns among women is facing complications during their pregnancy. Well, these complications are nothing more than long-term negative effects of smoking inside the body. 

Smoking can show a detrimental effect on your reproductive system. As a result, it makes it even more complex to get pregnant. 

The reason why it happens is that the chemicals present In the cigarette severely affect and disturb your hormonal balance. 

Moreover, the more you smoke, the higher your risk attached to fertility gets higher. 

#4: Major Complications During Pregnancy

Smoking can cause hindrance towards the development of the fetus. Complication during pregnancy is among the major side effects of smoking in females

Some of these complications are:

1: It elevates the risk of ectopic pregnancy

2: It can significantly reduce the weight of your baby

3: It might also cause infant death syndrome

4: Increases the risk of congenital abnormalities

So, this was all about the major risks of smoking that can affect your pregnancy time.

That was all about the top 4 negative impacts of smoking on your body.

Along with that, people who smoke are more prone to facing type 2 diabetes. 

Until now, you must have got a basic understanding of what are the effects of smoking

Bottom Line

Well, smoking can cause so many health-related issues no matter if you are addicted or not. In this blog, we have discussed the detrimental effects of smoking on health. 

Among men, the effects of smoking on muscle growth are quite negative. Similarly, it’s not good for the health of females as well.

If you are addicted to cigarettes, try putting forth all the practices to get rid of them. Not just female get negatively impacted by smoking, male also faces complications. 

There are several studies that shows how smoking and vaping affect male fertility too.

Hope you found this article informative. 

Please do leave us your feedback in the comments…


Crylon Folwer

Crylon Folwer is a dietician who campaigns the use of a customized diet plan and workout program in order to live the most healthy lifestyle. Crylon acquired her education from the University of Washington and started her career as a professional after realizing her passions in the healthcare industry. Her interests include evening walks, reading, and writing.

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